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Starring: Ying Hsuan Hsieh, Hung Chang Chu, Shao Chieh Li, Ming Yao Lu, Tzu Chiang Wang, Chia Kuei Chen

Directed by: Jonathan Liao & Hsin Lung Chen

Written by: Emily J. H. Chang, Jonathan Liao & Hsin Lung Chen

Produced by: Jonathan Liao


主演:謝盈萱 朱宏章 李劭婕 呂名堯 王自強 陳家逵

導演:廖哲毅 陳心龍

編劇:張君涵 廖哲毅 陳心龍



About Conspiracy 《時下暴力》

Lun Hua, an ordinary high school 12th grade student, had witnessed his best friend Ai Lin being physically punished by their teacher Mr. Wang. After Ai Lin recovered from her serious injuries and Mr. Wang being fired for his dreadful deeds, everything seemed to be back to normal. However, after Lun Hua read Arthur Miller’s play The Crucible, Lun Hua not only discovered the similarities between Miller’s story and his own life, but also realized that the whole incident was a well-planned set-up and his life started to fall apart.


About 1987

1987 (壹玖八七), is a Taiwanese independent film production company which recently produced and distributed their first feature length film, Conspiracy 《時下暴力》. 1987 is destined to create an international platform for Taiwanese independent filmmakers, dancers, theatre-makers and artists. Its founder Jonathan Liao (廖哲毅) and group members are mostly born in year 1987. 



《時下暴力》主題曲 | 管罄《渴》

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